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Fun with Microsoft Word

In 9th grade, I decided to have some fun with Microsoft Word 2003's auto-correct
function. I replaced common words like "the" and "is" with "Muffin" and set "Mrs" to
be changed to "Mr" and "Mr" to be changed to "Mrs" to make it interesting for
when people typed their teacher's name in the paper heading on papers.
This was hilarious to watch, unfortunately Assistant Prinicpal Luther (I called him
by his first name sometimes) did not find this as amusing as everyone else, and gave
me a lecture as well as a 1-day vacation, which was a bit over the top for a prank that
lasted about 5 minutes, and took 2 minutes to fix back to normal. But anyway I had
fun and it was harmless. So it's all good.

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2007-2012 Matthew Furman