Car Alarm

While sitting at Miss Holland’s desk during my lunch (her class had a different lunch period) I got tired of playing around with her screensavers and was looking for something new to play with. I then saw her car keys, and the classic “I wonder what this red button does” thought popped into my head. So I pressed it, and nothing happened, or so I thought… It seems that Building C is soundproof ‘cuz when I looked out the window there were flashing lights and a faint sound of a car alarm going off. This of course was much to the dismay of the trailer classrooms which where unfortunate enough to be right next to the parking lot. After a few minutes of lights and noise, I heard Miss Holland say “Furman, why are my light’s flashing?!?” Amazingly, this was the only time Miss Holland actually kicked me out of the classroom. Usually she found my random nonsense funny. But on the bright side, the rest of her class was laughing.

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2007-2012 Matthew Furman


Keywords: funny stories, Matthew Furman, silly school ideas, nonsense at school, fun things to do in class